Product introduction
  • 01
    Management consulting service

    Focus on organizational transformation, we provide management consulting services to our clients across five modules -- strategic planning and execution, organizational structure design, talent management mechanism, corporate culture development, and leadership pipeline development. We ensure the implementation of solutions to significantly improve the workforce productivity and effectiveness of enterprises.

  • 02
    Training service

    We offer small-group open courses and tailored internal training courses on strategy and performance, organization and culture, talent dynamic mechanism shaping, leadership development to entrepreneurs, executives and HR, and personalized training courses are also provided according to the specific problems of the enterprise.

  • 03
    Digital service

    We provide digital human resources consulting and services, utilizing management consulting principles to guide digital transformation, ensuring its implementation and long-term internalization.

Class types The applicable objects For Group Product competitive advantage Advantage
Management consulting service Full-industry company

Both our management and core business professionals possess years of management consulting experience, and have a deep understanding and knowledge of organizational transformation, talent selection and incentive, equity incentive, and salary and performance system. They have operated hundreds of organizational change consulting project cases, and have a keen judgment on the future change and transformation needs of various types of organizations, so as to make clear plans and arrangements.

Training service Full-industry company

Over the years, we have accumulated extensive experience in serving nearly a thousand domestic well-known companies in various industries, including finance, health care and life science, high-tech, semiconductor, manufacturing, consumption and other industries. We have  representative clients and a profound service experience accumulation. Our customer retention rate exceeds 70%.

Digital service Human resource company

Our business covers more than 100 key cities across the country, involving dozens of sub-sectors. We not only provide professional, systematic and up-to-date market data, but also offer organizational efficiency, operational efficiency, industry-specific  indicators and other data, provide decision-making support for enterprises, and provide customized professional solutions according to industry characteristics and client’s current situations.

Tang Peng
Senior consultant

An EMBA professor at China Europe International Business School, and an MBA lecturer of Nanjing University and Hohai University, an expert consultant of Jiangsu Unicorn Gazelle Enterprise Alliance, international registered management consultant CMC. Tang possesses 15 years of management practice and consulting experience, and he authored four books on human resources and publishe over ten articles in renowned journals such as Harvard Business Review. He has provided management consulting services to more than 100 clients, including several  of China’s top 100 enterprises.

Tang Peng
Senior consultant
Li Zhihua
Senior consultant

Antai MBA of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, international registered management consultant CMC, has more than 10 years of management consulting experience, and has provided management consulting services for more than 60 enterprises. Areas of expertise include; Organizational change, organizational design, compensation system design, performance management system design, etc.

Li Zhihua
Senior consultant
Ying Xinfeng
Senior consultant

Worked in a pharmaceutical group, responsible for the human resource management of several companies, international registered management consultant CMC, 10 years of management consulting experience, served Kunshan Baiao Intelligent Equipment Co., LTD. Organizational change, corporate culture, organizational design, salary performance, qualifications, long-term incentives and other comprehensive projects. Beijing Beiyuan Electric Co., Ltd. equity incentive, organizational structure, talent selection, talent incentive, talent training, performance system and other comprehensive projects.

Ying Xinfeng
Senior consultant
Yang Yi
Senior consultant

National human resource manager and enterprise trainer, has nearly 20 years of senior human resource experience, good at TD and OD system construction work. Once served as the person in charge of the enterprise university of a listed company, completed the whole process of building the enterprise university from 0 to 1, and fully covered the training program from 500 to 10,000 people.

Yang Yi
Senior consultant
Organizational change
  • Course benefits: Deepen students' understanding of organizational change, master various methods and skills of change, adapt to and accept change more easily, and help enterprises implement various internal change projects more smoothly.

  • Target audience: senior managers +HR

  • Duration: 3 days and 2 nights

Strategy decoding and performance landing
  • Course benefits: Out of the misunderstanding of strategic understanding, re-consensus strategic understanding. Starting from the general logic of strategic management, we ensure that the logic of strategy formulation, strategy decoding, strategy execution and review is consistent, and form a complete closed loop, so as to promote the continuous improvement of the company's business results.

  • Target audience: senior managers +HR

  • Duration: 3 days and 2 nights

345 Compensation system
  • Curriculum benefits: Understanding the value and significance of human effectiveness; Master 345 salary design methods; Check the methods of high human efficiency, and understand the key to improving human efficiency of enterprises

  • Target audience: senior managers +HR

  • Duration: 2 days 1 night

Cadre management system
  • Course benefits: Understand the value and significance of cadre management; Master the key points of cadre management; For the organization to continuously train the cadre team that "can move, send, win, and do not deteriorate".

  • Target audience: senior managers +HR

  • Duration: 2 days 1 night

Equity incentive
  • Course benefits: understand the misunderstanding and trap of equity incentive, master the seven golden laws of equity incentive implementation, and learn the nine definite methods of equity incentive design

  • Target audience: middle and senior managers

  • Duration: 2 days 1 night